
Tuesday 12 April 2011

30 Days of me - Day 27

Day 27 - Why you are doing this 30 day challenge..

Well, I am still fairly new to this whole blogging thing, so I thought the 30 day challenge would give me some ideas of things I could post about.. help me find the things I enjoy posting about and maybe the things I don't enjoy posting about..

I also thought it was a good way for those who don't know me, to get to know me a little.. and even for those who know me, to get to know me a little more!

It was also something to help me get into the momentum of posting daily.. to find out, if I enjoyed posting daily, or if I would struggle to keep up..

xx CazAnd most of all, because I thought it would be a bit of fun!

I hope you are enjoying reading it, as much as I am enjoying (most of the time) sharing my answers with you all!


  1. I did a 30 day challenge a few months ago and it was a lot of fun. At the very least it's a good excuse to blog every day.
    They are fun to read! I like getting to learn more about my blogging buds. :)

  2. It's quite hard to blog everyday!
    But it's a good challenge!

    You're right tho.. It's fun reading other people's answers to things and getting to know all the lovely people in blogLand!!


♥ Your turn on the soapbox.. ♥