
Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Day I Ventured to the Dark Side...

Let it be known.. Today is the day I sold the last of my soul...

As if my internet dependency isn't crippling enough already, today I entrenched myself further into 'social media' and 'the digital age' and signed up to a plethora of things I had been vehemently opposed to...

Why? You ask.

Well, curiosity got the better of me... (again.., as always..) As much as I'm not an 'early adopter', consider me a 'reluctant follower'...  

I figure I probably can't carry on about how completely useless Twitter is having never attempted to use it before.. or really understanding what it "does".. - after a day cruising the website, I'm still not entirely sure I quite understand it...

So last night, I started on a name squatting rampage reconnaissance mission, to see if my humble moniker had been used by anyone else..

My first realisation was that apparently, I'd chosen a moniker that is just ONE character too long for the likes of Twitter... which instantly annoyed me no end and I almost threw in the towel then and there.. alas, it was 1am and any sensible decision making abilities had gone to bed hours ago.. not to be deterred, though my creative thinking skills to come up with something clever were pretty much non-existent.. with the promise of being able to change my user name later, I forged on ahead!

After waking up this morning and having a helpful friend suggest @cazmonkeysround as a much better solution to my attempts of @cazmonkezaround vs @cazmonkeyaround.. I had confidence by my side!

Spurred on by my success at not understanding the point of Twitter at all, I decided 'Why stop there?!'...

So, it was full steam ahead to instagram!! Where I was happy to find that I could use my full moniker.. Success!! Although it then took me about 2 hours to figure out how to upload a profile pictures... *ahem* yes... moving right along...

Having "found" a few of my besties on instagram and exploring their profiles, I was lead to an page.. Imagine my surprise that I'd not heard of this magnificent place before??!! I mean.. I DO spend pretty much my entire life sitting in front of my laptop.. although it seems not many others have discovered it yet either (purely based on the lack of 'friends' I found using the fb/gmail lookup thingee - yup, I'm real technical)

Completely jealous of my friend's super gorgeous page, I decided, surely I needed one too.. "Sign Up"?? Well, don't mind if I do!

Then after entering into a fb discussion with said friend and announcing my slow slide into the shady internet 'dark side' and how I'd succumbed to Twitter but was holding strong against Pinterest, she drops the bombshell that "being an organiser, I would have thought you'd get a lot more out of pinterest than twitter".

Well, that was all it took to push me over the edge... to pinterest post haste!

So really.. the point of this post is to let you all know that I'm now on all of these places and to please come find me and be friends with me coz it's a bit lonely at the moment and it'd be nice to have some company (and any tips and suggestions) while I'm finding my way around and figuring out what's what..

Someone call Betty Ford!!

..although I'm not sure they treat Internet addiction and dependence... Do they?? Maybe they should..

xx Caz
ps. feel free to leave any tips/suggestions (people to follow, how to use hashtags etc. etc.) in the comments.. or tell me how to find you and we can "connect"...

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