
Tuesday 15 March 2011

T-Shirt Necklace

So a while ago, I read a tutorial on how to make a t-shirt necklace, I took note (somewhere), I'm convinced I bookmarked it.. but I then proceeded to forget all about it... until reading this and seeing T shirt necklace on one of Anna's lists...

I then quickly ran through my Google Reader, checked the ones I'd tagged for crafting... nope.. checked the ones I'd starred.. nope... (I think I read the tutorial before I discovered my true love of G.R and all the many things it can do! - Many which I've yet to discover!)

But luckily a quick few clicks on Google, bought me all of these:
(In an effort not to lose the links again, I will share them with all you too!)

Beading Gem - I can see myself finding lots of other things I want to make on here!
Whole Living
Dollar Store Crafts - Again, another one I can foresee bookmarking!

It just so happens the mister has just dumped a heap of t shirts on the bed of our spare room for me to salvage from/craft with/add to the bag going to the charity store.

So I think I might try this tonight when I get home!

What better than a bit of DIY when it's wet and horrible out??!!

Oh! And my SEWING MACHINE (which the mister SO generously bought for me!! *am so lucky!!*) has arrived in store and is ready to be picked up!!!  Though we probably won't get him tonight.. hoozah!! I'm starting with a draft excluder which I plan to make from an old pair of the mister's cargos/chinos.. I figure it'll be fairly easy and require minimal skill and will be good for me to practice them skills I learnt in Home Ec class all those many many moons ago!!

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